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Blackish Landing Template


Firstly, a huge thanks for purchasing and/or downloading this template, your support is truly appreciated!

This document covers the installation and use of this template and often reveals answers to common problems and issues - read this document thoroughly; especially, if you are experiencing difficulties. Thank you so much!

Template Features

  • Clean & Simple Design
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • PHP/Ajax Powered Working Contact Form
  • All files are well commented
  • Cross Browser Compatible with IE11+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
  • Extensive Documentation

Installing Template.

  1. Unzip the download pack.
  2. You can view this Template in any browser and edit the Template without an internet connection.
  3. The only section that will not work, since it's PHP code and requires a server environment to send messages, is the Contact Section.
  4. Using your cpanel or an FTP Client (like Filezilla), upload the content of the Template to your server.
  5. Once the files are uploaded, just go to

Template Structure

All information within the main content area is nested in the body tag. The general template structure is the same throughout. Here is the structure of the main page (index.html).


CSS Files and Structure

The css files that are included into the template's Head Section.


By default, the template loads this font from Google Web Font Services, you can change the font with the one that suits you best.


Remember to change the font into main.css

Javascript Files and Structure

The list of Javascript files to be included into the template's Body Section.


Source and Credit